(or, the ornamentation and flowers of rhetoric)
exploded bibliography
9 & 10 May 2024, 17:00
On May 9 + 10, stanza hosted two evenings of Bricks from the Kiln (BFTK).
The first evening presented co-editor and founder Matthew Stuart’s lecture on the come-abouts of BTFK (and its bibliography).
The following evening opened the floor to writers, artists and readers, who responded to the BFTK bibliography, each having been invited to pick a name from the list, and share a reading of either the listed person or their own work.
The line-up of the event presented readings by: Matthew Stuart (from his essay The ornamentation and flowers of rhetoric, or, look at any word long enough and you will see it open up into a series of faults), Line-Gry Hørup (Friedrich Hölderlin, Inger Christensen), Fie Martens Ljungmann (Anne Boyer, Audre Lorde), Ulrikke Bak (Kathy Acker), Gustav Strange (Maggie Nelson), Freja Kir (Jorge Luis Borges), Jana Pressler (Ursula Le Guin), Ursula Marcussen (Djuna Barnes), Vinícius Maffei (Constance de Jong), Hannah Heilmann (Pernille Abd-el Dayem, Ursula Le Guin), Rasmus Myrup (from The Völvas Bestiary of Best Friends) + Vi Arp (double bass and tres).
Started in 2015, Bricks from the Kiln is a semi-yearly journal and imprint for explorative and critical, creative writing.
Six volumes have been printed to date (a seventh in production, as we speak) — Its growing index of names and references constitutes the intellectual roots, drawing nutrients to the printed pages between leaves of editions published.