Julie Peeters
23 Sep 2023, 17:00–20:00
Julie Peeters

is a designer and editor based in Brussels. Working closely with artists, photographers and curators around print, is at the core of her practice. In 2021, she presented her first solo exhibition, Daybed, at MACRO in Rome. She has worked on artist books with Linder Sterling, Silke Otto Knapp, Rosalind Nashashibi, Yuji Agematsu, Thomas Demand among many others.

She is the founder and creative director of BILL and has taught at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy, Amsterdam, and currently teaches at KASK School of Arts, Ghent.

Bill 4

Contributions by George Tourkovasilis who comes back at Akwa Ibom, Radio Athènes, Melas Martinos; Cinzia Ruggeri through the lenses of Ilvio Gallo and Occhiomagico; SC103’s first runway;  Inge Grognard xx eyes; aspic and eggs by Adrianna Glaviano; the contact sheets of Santi Caleca;  Eyeballing Rosalind Nashashibi; magazine spreads from Anders Edström, Curtis Cuffie, Hans Hollein.

INDEX... 2023, BILL, Julie Peeters, presentation,