Line-Gry Hørup
The Poems and Archive of R. Broby-Johansen
book launch, official opening
15 Dec 2022
Line-Gry Hørup

is a designer, writer editor and researcher, working independently and in collaboration with poets, writers, artists, designers, editors and curators. Her work begins from an interest in photography and semantic translation, in particular within the relationship between graphic design and poetry. She is also interested in ways of teaching (critical) graphic design, fine arts and creative writing — and currently has a professorship at Karlsruhe University of Art and Design.

R. Broby-Johansen

(1900–1987) was a Danish poet, writer, art-educator/historian and communist activist. His first publication was a book of poems titled Blod (“Blood”) containing themes of misery and poverty as well as tabooed topics such as prostitution and necrophilia, was considered scandalous and confiscated by the authorities (re-published in 1968). However, it has gained influence in Danish literature by influencing such poets as Michael Strunge and Yahya Hassan.


  • Documentation photography by Niels Christensen.
INDEX... 2022, book launch, Johannes Schwartz, Kunstverein Publishing, Line-Gry Hørup, official opening, R. Broby-Johansen,